Interaction Design

Speculative Design

Design of ‘What if?’

Presentation by Juyoung Yi. What is the difference between a true interaction and a mimicry? Where is the border between speculative design and art? Is interaction with objects another form of life? Methods of speculative Design:

  • world and context
  • observe vs uncanny
  • idea and reality Ju’s lessons learned: “While studying the speculative design, I could learn those different perspectives of thinking toward time, objects and technology can open new possibilities for designers with their projects and products.”

Interaction design & art

Presentation by Carlo Natter. Speculative design is:

  • Evidence-based
  • Considers cultural elements
  • consider scientific laws
  • predicts what the future of design could be In speculative design there is the term design fiction. Like sci-fi, design fiction imagines whole worlds and stories. For example the project United Micro Kingdom

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