Cultural Probes
Presentation by Jerome Krüsi.
One of the often talked about methods in human centered design is the use of cultural probes. This means giving out tools to the people. They will then make photos of their favorite place, mark places they don’t want to go on a map or put notes in an envelope and send all of it back to the designers. This gives the Designer unusually deep insight into the life of the people. The downside is that it’s hard to collect precise data.
A much more controllable design approach, which is being used in a lot of enterprises is Co-Creation & Co-Design
Bodystorming & Video Specs
Presentation by Vinzenz Leutenegger. Body-Storming is on-site design. After the preparation, the team goes to the place of interest and starts being the “customer”. Video-Specs is basically the same thing that is being done in sports. A video of a place of interest or of something people do is being made and then analyzed.