Interaction Design

Perspectives of Design

Doing Research

To build on what others have accomplished already it is important to do research. There are of course tons of books an papers about everything you might want to know already, so the process of researching is worth thinking about. When reading a paper, a book or some other source of knowledge there are a few things one might want to look up first:

  • Author: Who wrote the piece. What background does he have. Where did or does he work and where did he do his studies.
  • Year: What time or time period was it written in? This gives background about the mindset of the author and the surroundings he lived in when coming up with what he did.
  • Location: What cultural background does he have. Under what circumstances did he work.
  • Publisher: What field is the publisher from. Might there be an agenda?
  • Source: How trustworthy is the work. What did the author build upon.
  • Credibility: Bibliography, supervised, peer-reviewed

Perspectives of Interaction Design

A presentation by Jöelle Bitton. Where did it all start? How did computers become such a huge part of our lives. How did we start to program machines that do our work, or help with said work. From Punch cards for a weaving loom inspired by the way a barrel organ works, to IBM punch cards. Servo motors, the first programmable milling machines and how code replaced punch cards. This gave a segway for parametric and generative design which led to a short history of 3D-printing and how it became the ubiquitous design topic it is today.

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